Ultimate Travel Guide

Ultimate Travel Guide

Most Haunted and Horror Places of Nepal, Which keep tourists and locals away from them.

Most Haunted and Horror Places of Nepal

Nepal is known for it’s majestic mountain and rich culture heritages holds a mysterious side that hides in the shadows. Nepal is not only a well-known country for tourism. It is also famous for haunted places. And why not? As most of Nepal’s areas are still remote and untouched. it is hard to believe that there are a few haunted destinations, which keep tourists and locals away from them. In this blog, we will describe the mysterious stories of the Nepal’s most haunted and horror places.

First of all, keeping everything aside, this list does not promote the existence of ghosts. Our list is totally based on the experiences of the people.

1. Raniban :

Raniban once a peaceful forested area near Pokhara, Nepal, earned it’s reputation as a hunted place after a group of trekkers disappear mysteriously during a night camp. The once Peaceful forest near Pokhara became a site of unexpected  and mysterious incident, with reports of ghostly figures and unsettling sound. Local  legends suggest that spirits residing the woods were disturbed, leading to a tragedy that left the forest shrouded in an otherworldly atmosphere. The unexplained disappearance of a trekker and the subsequent air of unease transformed Raniban into a hunted place, leaving a chilling imprint on the collective imagination of those who hear it’s haunting tale.

2. Shivapuri National Park :

Amidst the lush greenery of Shivapuri National Park lies a series of trails believed to be haunted. Hikers have reported mysterious sightings and unexplained sounds, creating an atmosphere of mysterious attention. As the sun sets and darkness came down, the Ghostly Trails come alive with whispers of the supernatural. Hikers have described encountering shadowy figures, feeling and unexplained presence and hearing ethereal voices echoing through the dense foliage.

3. Davi’s Fall :

Davi’s Fall is a popular tourist attraction in Pokhara, Nepal. The name “Davi’s Fall” originates from a  tragic incident in early 20th century, where a Swiss tourist named Davi was swept away by the Pardi Khola river after by the Pardi Khola river after falling into the waterfall. Little did they know that their adventure was about to take a dark turn. While bathing in its water, the overflow pushed the woman in a sinkhole where she drowned. Her body was recovered three days later in river Phusre with great effort. Her father wished to name it “David’s falls” after her daughter’s name but changed to Devi’s Fall. Local culture and legends might have contribute to the perception of Davi’s Fall being haunted.

4. Pashupati Aryaghat :

Pashupatinath Aryaghat of Kathmandu, Nepal, is a sacred Hindu cermation site along the banks of the Bagmati River, near the Pashupatinath Temple. It is considered one of the holiest places for Hindus and holds cultural and spiritual significance. Being a center for many of the Hindu rituals, this place is best known for burning the dead bodies. Due to this custom, many rituals are also performed at this place. The place where rituals are performed is called, ‘Aryaghat’, and is one of the haunted places in Nepal. The other reason of Pashupati Aryaghat became haunted place is people have fear and claim that they hear noises and screams of people. Many incidents of ghosts visiting the ghat during night has been reported. Only few workers dare visiting the site during night time with fear in heart.

5. Charkose Ghadi :

Charkose Jhadi is the largest and the most dense forest in Nepal. It lies between Tarahara and Dharan in Eastern Nepal. Numerous paranormal activities has been reported on this place. People driving through this region have shared several ghostly experience. Mostly, complains of old lady asking for lift during night were made. Reason for this could be the number of murders committed in the forest. Lots of dead bodies has been found in the forest since last two decades.

6. The Royal (Narayanhiti) Palace :

The Narayanhiti Palace is known to have been the home to several former kings and queens. On Jestha 19, members of royal family were brutally killed inside the Narayanhity Palace. Culprits still remain uncaught and what exactly happened that day is a mystery. Since the day, the palace is supposed to be haunted. The guards report of hearing gunshot sounds along with the sounds of people crying inside the palace. Also, footsteps are heard. It is believed that the souls of the Royal Family exist there. The history is more associated with being a former royal resident and the center of political events, rather than paranormal activity. The palace has been converted into a museum, showcasing the Nepal’s history.

7. Mount Everest :

Mount Everest is the World’s highest peak. It is the part of the Himalayan mountain range and straddles the border between Nepal and Tibet. It stands at an elevation of 29,031.71 feet (8,848.86 meters) above the sea level. Everest is the popular destination for mountaineers and the the trek to its base camp is a well known adventure. Many people have lost their lives during the attempt of climbing the summit. Also on average, every year 5 people die in this region. People claim that the soul of the dead often visit the tents of the climbers and encourage them.

Conclusion :

In the shadows of Nepal’s majestic peaks and ancients landscapes, we’ve embarked on a journey through some of the nation’s most haunted places. Each locale carries with it a tale of mystery. As we conclude this exploration into the haunted corers of Nepal, one can’t help but feel a sense of reverence for the spirits that linger in  these ancient landscapes. Whether these tales are rooted in history, legend or the collective imagination, they add an extra layer of fascination to a country already steeped in cultural richness.

So, as you traverse Nepal’s scenic beauty, remember that hidden within the mountains and valleys are stories that defy explanation. These haunted places, with their lingering mysteries, stand as a testament to the unknown, beckoning the curious to embrace the spectral beauty that coexists with awe inspiring landscapes of this Himalayan nation.













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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